Jeopardized Southeastern Fish Holdings
The UTEIC is a major repository of threatened and endangered fish specimens. These fish include over 40 species of threatened Percidae including species such as Etheostoma okaloosae, Etheostoma rubrum, and Percina tanasi that since their collection have become endangered and are rare or absent in most major fish collections. In a few cases, species represented by a substantial number of lots in UTEIC were collected when they were once abundant but are likely now extinct such as Erimystax cahni. Unfortunately, as degredation of aquatic habitats in the southeastern United States continues, UTEIC lots of many species are likely to only increase in importance.
In addition, the general public and numerous state and federal agencies, conservation groups, environmental consultants, and legal council rely on our specimens for general information and for data critical to biodiversity, habitat management, and conservation decisions.
The following list contains UTEIC species holdings that are (either federal or state or both) engangered, theatened, vulnerable, or in need of management listed species.
Ichthyomyzon gagei
Acipenser brevirostrum
Scaphirhynchus albus
S. platorynchus
Atractosteus spatula
Alosa alabamae
Cyprinella caerulea
C. callisema
C. callitaenia
C. monacha
C. xaenura
Erimonax monachus
Erimystax cahni
Hemitremia flammea
Hybognathus placitus
Hybopsis lineapunctata
Macrhybopsis sp. cf aestivalis
M. gelida
M. meeki
Notropis albizonatus
N. buccatus
N. cahabae
N. dorsalis
N. mekistocholas
N. melanostomus
N. rubellus
N. rupestris
N. stilbius
Phoxinus cumberlandensis
Ph. saylori
Ph. tennesseensis
Ph. sp. cf. erythrogaster
Semotilus lumbee
Carpiodes velifer
Cycleptus elongatus
Moxostoma atripinne
M. robustum
M. sp., sicklefin redhorse
Noturus baileyi
N. crypticus
N. fasciatus
N. flavipinnis
N. furiosus
N. gilberti
N. gladiator
N. munitus
N. stanauli
F. waccamensis
Menidia extensa
Elassoma alabamae
Ammocrypta beani
A. clara
A. vivax
Crystallaria asprella
Etheostoma acuticeps
E. aquali
E. baileyi
E. barbouri
E. barrenense
E. bellum
E. boschungi
*E. brevirostrum
E. chermocki
E chienense
E. chuckwachatte
E. cinereum
E. corona
Percidae Cont.
E. ditrema
E. douglasi
E. etowahae
E forbesi
E gutselli
E. luteovinctum
E. maculatum
E. mariae
E. marmorpinnum
E. microlepidum
E. moorei
E. neopterum
E. nuchale
E. okaloosae
E. Olivaceum
E. osburni
E. peltnurum
E. pseudovulatum
E. pyrrhogaster
E. raneyi
E. rubrum
E. sagitta
E scotti
E. sitikuense
E. striatulum
E. tippecanoe
E. trisella
E. tuscumbia
E wapiti
Percina antesella
P. aurantiaca
P. aurolineata
P. aurora
P. brevicauda
P. burtoni
Pertina (Alvordius) sp., bridled darter
P. jenkinsi
P. lenticula
P. macrocephala
P. phoxocephala
P. rex p
P. squamata
P. tanasi
P. williamsi
*Species preceded with an asterisk are currently considered to be complexes of two to several species or subspecies.
- Etnier, D. A., G. W. Benz, and D. E. Collins. 1997. Jeopardized southeastern freshwater fishes: a search for causes. Aquatic fauna in peril: the southeastern perspective. Southeast Aquatic Research Institute Special Publication 1. 87-104.
- Tennessee Natural Heritage Program Rare Animals List March 2009 animal_list